Friday, November 22, 2013

Caffeinated Lilly vs. Crotchity Fiona

It  is a very well known fact that I, Fearless Fiona am not a morning person. This should not be news to anyone. I personally would like to blame it on my genetics. No one in my family is or was a morning person. If we could pick we would all ideally have waking hours be from 11am to 11pm. There is just something so damn awful about mornings.

Such as:

Why is your bed always 100x more comfortable, 100x warmer, 100x more cloud like in the morning than at night? Therefore why would I ever want to get out of my bed before 10am?

Why do people insist on scheduling meetings before 10am? Do you really think I am going to be on time? Everyone has heard the story of where I slept through the start of my very important phone interview...because it started at 8am my time. FAIL. Just fail.

I make valiant efforts every morning to set an alarm to get up to make it to the gym in the morning. Working out in the mornings is good for you right? Well you know what isn't good for your phone? Me routinely hitting my phone 13 times while i snooze for 3 hours because hell I am not getting up at 6:15 to got the gym.

I hate scraping my window for ice.

I hate waking up with 15 minutes to leave and having to make the choice between showering, eating or putting together a decent outfit. Or realistically having wet hair or putting on makeup.

Most people think that caffeine solves this problem. However, for me it just makes me crazy. Crazy and sick.

the entire point of this post is. Caffeine makes Logistical Lilly pleasant in the morning. It doesn't make a dent in my crazy crotchitiness. The only thing that helps? Sleeping til ten. Otherwise, Imma going to need a major #BJSELFIE until about 11:30am and I actually wake up.

Have the day you have,

Fearless Fiona

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