Friday, November 22, 2013

Caffeinated Lilly vs. Crotchity Fiona

It  is a very well known fact that I, Fearless Fiona am not a morning person. This should not be news to anyone. I personally would like to blame it on my genetics. No one in my family is or was a morning person. If we could pick we would all ideally have waking hours be from 11am to 11pm. There is just something so damn awful about mornings.

Such as:

Why is your bed always 100x more comfortable, 100x warmer, 100x more cloud like in the morning than at night? Therefore why would I ever want to get out of my bed before 10am?

Why do people insist on scheduling meetings before 10am? Do you really think I am going to be on time? Everyone has heard the story of where I slept through the start of my very important phone interview...because it started at 8am my time. FAIL. Just fail.

I make valiant efforts every morning to set an alarm to get up to make it to the gym in the morning. Working out in the mornings is good for you right? Well you know what isn't good for your phone? Me routinely hitting my phone 13 times while i snooze for 3 hours because hell I am not getting up at 6:15 to got the gym.

I hate scraping my window for ice.

I hate waking up with 15 minutes to leave and having to make the choice between showering, eating or putting together a decent outfit. Or realistically having wet hair or putting on makeup.

Most people think that caffeine solves this problem. However, for me it just makes me crazy. Crazy and sick.

the entire point of this post is. Caffeine makes Logistical Lilly pleasant in the morning. It doesn't make a dent in my crazy crotchitiness. The only thing that helps? Sleeping til ten. Otherwise, Imma going to need a major #BJSELFIE until about 11:30am and I actually wake up.

Have the day you have,

Fearless Fiona

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Small Detour to Mullingar? For What you ask? A Cathedral? A Lake? A Military base? No...Niall Horan's Museum.

Today in the world of Fiona and Lilly:

Lilly decided it would be a great idea to add a small detour to our trip. Where might you ask? To a small town no one has ever heard of except for a few hundred million female teenage one direction fans. A town called Mullingar, but otherwise better known as Niall Horan's hometown.

Why do you ask does Lilly want to go here? Well for many reasons.

A. Niall lived there...he is Irish
Which is basically all the time.
B. They are building a the town Niall's honor. You can see his shirts, his underwear, his napkins..even his braces!

C. Doesn't the man on the left deserve his own museum?

D. Mullingar is where Niall learned to Wink.

E. IT is where he learned to know he likes those moves

D. That's about it. She doesn't care about the lakes, the cathedrals or the military base

But I suppose any man who looks like this

Deserves his own museum.....Maybe not a detour... But maybe a museum.

He does already have his own statue and doll:

When he held up a doll version of himself and didn't look at all terrified about the fact that there is a doll version of himself.

When he held up 1D's moon man and everything was beautiful.

Have the day you have....or as Niall would say: Please don't stalk to me, just got to the museum,

Fearless Fiona

Monday, November 18, 2013

Picking Travel Names

Kate and I work because we are yin and yang. When I worked at YMCA Camp Colman all of the counselors had to take a personality color test. The majority of counselors year after year were always blue and red. Blues were the lovey dovey feelers of the group. They were the counselors who were great with homesick kids, who cared about peoples feelings and just wanted to make sure everyone was okay. The reds were the ones who could always be counted on to get everyone excited. For three summers, I was the lone Brown. Looking back I can see why my personality type would be uncommon in a camp setting, but there was one other color that was rarely Browns are the calculated risk takers, overly rational, calm in crazy situations, strong willed, purposeful (hate the phone, overtly stubborn, terrible observers of emotions...sound familiar?) Our best matches in life are greens. Greens are our logistics people. Greens like lists, details, organizations. Greens are great at everything browns need in their lives, but detest actually doing.

Kate is green from her head to her toes. While I am 100% brown. Our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. Which personally is why I think we have such a great friendship, that from the outside to most people seems to make no sense.

Even as we were picking our travel names, Kate already had hers. Logistical Lilly. A nickname given to her by a close friend. It nails who she is to a T. We are all familiar with Logistical Lilly. We can recognize the signs. Sometimes, I give Kate a few too many details about something and she goes off into planning mode before I can even tell her I have it covered. But that is what great about her. She loves to plan. I pushed for this trip to originally happen, but she is the one who has planned it. We balance each other out.  I will force her have a bit of Fearless Fiona in her and not plan everything. Have the fun of traveling is being able to go with the flow, or have something accidentally happen have it be the best part of the trip. Trusting and leaping is half the fun.

One my favorite parts of the Singapore trip I took in 2012 was randomly asking some girls in a club bathroom why there was no in the club yet at 11:30. Those girls show my friends and I the time of our lives. It was by far one of the best nights in Singapore. Yet, it was nothing I could have ever planned for.

I just can't wait for Kate and I to make memories like that together in England and Ireland.

If she reads this, she is going to be laughing. This entry is a bit like the way i think and talk. A little bit of every thought in a mixed up jumble. Only I really understand the order.

Have the day you have,
Fearless Fiona

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Midnight memories....

With the leaking of midnight memories, Kate and I decided it was time to make a blog. We are officially under the four month mark. As expected, I am still meh on planning the minute details, and Kate is having a hey day with logistics. Yin and Yang make a perfect pairing.

Have the Day you have.
